segunda-feira, 31 de agosto de 2015

Delicious curiosities about the ice cream.

Resultado de imagem para Sorvete

Know curiosities delicious about ice cream you didn't know:

Ice Cream in World History

  • There are several versions for the origin of ice cream. Most historians believe that it was created in China for over 3000 years. At that time, it was a rice milk paste mixed with snow, and it was like a scratch card.
  • The ice cream, in ancient Rome, was the privilege of the rich. The Emperor Nero sent his slaves seek snow in the mountains and come back as quickly as possible so that it does not melt and this time to be mixed with honey and fruit pulp.
  • Many heads of state had real fixation with ice cream. King Charles I of England, for example, had a recipe of your favorite ice cream stored under lock and key, which was only revealed by the palace cook with the death of the monarch. Former presidents of the United States also had their favorites and exclusive recipes. Thomas Jefferson had his own vanilla ice cream, and George Washington would have paid $ 200, which at the time was a considerable amount for a unique taste.
  • The cone became popular in 1904, after a Syrian immigrant who attended a food fair in Louisiana, United States, ran out of paper plates. To solve the problem, served ice cream in cones made of a similar mass to the waffle called zalabia. At the same time, another 50 vendors claimed to be the inventors of the cone for the same reason. Another version says that the Italian Italo Marciony tired of seeing their clients break the glass cups in serving the product and chose the crispy cone.
  • The country that makes ice cream in the world is New Zealand: each inhabitant sipping on average 26.3 liters of ice cream per year. The US appear then with 22.5 liters, followed by Canadians and their 17.8 liters. Brazil occupies the 11th place in the ranking: 4.7 liters per year. Explanation: Brazilian considers ice cream a 'summer dessert ", just consuming the product at other times of year.

Ice Cream in U.S. History
  • The most expensive ice cream in the world was served by a restaurant in New York for the paltry sum of $ 25 thousand in 2007. Revenues had 5 grams of edible 23 carat gold.
  • The banana split emerged in the US in 1904. David Evans Strickler, a 23 year old pharmacist's apprentice, had the idea to cut the banana in half and put three scoops of ice cream on top. Typically American, the dessert is usually made with cream flavor ice cream, chocolate and strawberry, and is served on a platter shaped like a boat.
  • Ice cream was introduced to America in the 1700s, but was a rare and exotic dessert enjoyed mostly by those of status and wealth.
  • First Lady Dolley Madison created a sensation when she served ice cream at her husband's second inaugural ball.
  • Around 1800, insulated ice houses were invented and ice cream became an American industry.
  • Immigrants at Ellis Island were served ice cream as part of their first meal in America.
  • The ice-cream industry generates more than $21 billion in annual sales in the United States.
  • More than 90 percent of U.S. households purchase ice cream.
  • In 1984, President Ronald Reagan designated July as National Ice Cream Month and the third Sunday of that month as National Ice Cream Day.

Ice Cream Record Holders
  • The United States has the world's highest per capita consumption of ice cream, with each American consuming an average of 48 pints per year. 
  • California produces more ice cream than any other state.
  • The Northern Central states have the highest per capita consumption of ice cream.
  • More ice cream is sold on Sunday than any other day of the week.
  • The world record for Largest Ice Cream Scoop Pyramid is held by Carvel. The pyramid was constructed of 3,894 scoops in 2002.

More Fun Facts
  • The first ice cream come was made by Italo Marchiony in New York City.
  • The use of the cone was popularized at the 1904 St. Louis Fair.
  • It takes an average of 50 licks to finish one scoop of ice cream.
  • "Brain freeze" is triggered when ice cream touches the roof of your mouth, causing blood vessels in the head to dilate.

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